Exchanging vital piece of information in person has no better alternatives than a business card and these have been used to exchange basic contact information for centuries and business of all shapes, sizes and belonging to every sort of industry require their representatives to have these business cards, while these are important for employed persons these are absolutely crucial for entrepreneurs and startups, they have to create a sense of identity and break the ice when dealing with people at trade shows and this is an easy and obvious way to start, but if you’re going to make business cards as an entrepreneur then why not do it differently and make yourself stand apart from the crowd.
Metal business cards are perfect for entrepreneurs because these give a certain identity and it is a bold way to introduce your business service or products, Metal Kards stand different among all the other options and when you hand it out to someone at a trade show then it certainly makes a different sort of impression, a recent study has shown that more than 39% of people get a bad impression as soon as they are handed out a business card, that is a huge percentage of potentially disappointed customers and you can tackle that with one simple choice of metal business cards.
Apart from all the personal reasons it brings like durability and impression, it goes to show that an entrepreneur does care about the planet, eco-friendly approach is high on the agenda on every government and anything that avoids the use of paper is recommended, when we shift from paper business cards and use metal business cards which are QR code enabled we would do a lot of good to our planet as well.